These instructions are written to be used in command line but require no previous knowledge. Below, in the snippets, you’ll see command lines that can be copied, written in bold on separate lines below. Copy those instructions and paste them into your command line interface.

If you are using MacOS follow these steps to setup your wallet
- Download and save the zip file from Releases. We suggest you keep track of where you’ve saved the file, because that’s where the command line interface will look for it.
- Download and unzip the file
- When you open the file, you may get a message saying “vegawallet-darwin-amd64” cannot be opened because it is from an unidentified developer. You will then need to change your system preferences.
- Click on the (?) help button, that links you to System Preferences and instructs you how to allow this software to run. You can also access this by clicking the apple icon in the top left of your screen and choose “System Preferences…”
5. You’ll need to go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General, and choose “Open Anyway”.
6. Open terminal, this can be done by typing “terminal” in the search function of MacOS (⌘ + space) and choosing “Terminal” which will open a command window
Since the you need to run the commands from the directory of the wallet you can follow the steps below. *If you already know how to find the location you can locate the folder in terminal and run command ./vegawallet and move to step 8.
7.a Locate where you have stored the Vegawallet Right click and copy the Vegawallet
7.b Go in the command window and type “cd” with a space after
7.c Paste the info you received by copying vegawallet after cd which should look something like the following
cd /Users/vega/Desktop/vegawallet
7.d Remove the last part of what you copied “vegawallet” so that in the end it looks something like “cd /Users/vega/Desktop/” and press Enter. Now you should be running the commands from the correct directory, in the example below it is Desktop.
cd /Users/vega/Desktop/
7.e Type “./vegawallet” and press Enter to run the vegawallet.
7.f Tip: You can see a list of available commands by running “./vegawallet -h” on MacOS
./vegawallet -h
Create name and passphrase
Next, create a user name and passphrase for your Wallet, and create a public and private key (genkey).
8. Replace “YOUR_CUSTOM_USERNAME” (below) with your chosen username and press Enter. This username will be required to login on your wallet on vega: “./vegawallet genkey -n YOUR_CUSTOM_USERNAME”
./vegawallet genkey -n YOUR_CUSTOM_USERNAME
9. Enter you desired passphrase that is required to access the account

10. This will create two keys, one public which you are free to share, and one private that you should store and never share to anyone.
Run the Wallet service
Now, connect your Wallet to the Testnet nodes. The init command (below) will initialise the configuration. A configuration file will be stored in your home folder, in a folder called .vega.
11. Type “./vegawallet“service init in the terminal and press Enter
12. To trade, run the wallet and start the Vega Console using the command “./vegawallet service run -p” and press Enter, this will launch the vega console in your browser.
./vegawallet service run -p
13. Click “Connect to Vegawallet” in the upper right corner
14. Choose local wallet
15. Login using the username and password you entered above in step 8 and 9
Now you are prepared to try out the Vega testnet. In order to start placing orders you will need to deposit testnet funds which is described on the page. It is important to note that this is testnet, DO NOT under any circumstance deposit your mainnet funds.